Monday, December 5, 2011


A story based on a crazy man named Howard Beale. This movie was filmed in 1976. Mr. Beale was an anchor man that was fired because of his ratings. The day that he found out that he was being fired, he went on air and cussed out the network that once owned him. He then began to beg for his job back but it was to late. So many organizatioins felt that he went to far when he decided that it would be ok for him to tell his boss on live tv to f**k off. Howard apoligized and asked if he can come back and anchor the news and also tell his viewers that he was leaving the network. When given another chance, Howard went on a rant. In some ways he made some sence. He was then finally asked to leave. When the producers found that the ratings had sky rocketed they aske Ol Howard to come back and rant some more. He begins to talk about the economy and he tells the viewers that they are in a depression. He then tells his vieweres to get mad, and yell out there windows and yell "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to takes this anymore!" They finally decide that in order to boost up ratings, that it would be god to give him his own show. What they don't know is that Howard was going insane and needed help before it was to late. The network used poor Howard as a circus freak.
    It's been over 30 years and tv has not change. Networks use peoples lives to boost ratings. We see this all the time. Would we watch a show if it was boring? I think not. We saw this with The Jerry Springer Show. We would sit there for an hour and watch other lives crumble in front of a studio audience. Networks base there statistics on ratings. The funny thing is that when Howard ws ranting on the government and the economy, I honostly got a little motivated. It soundes as if he was on live telivision. He talked about topics that are affecting our country today.
    I really enjoyed the movie. It's been a while since I've watched a good movie. The story was good and very educational. I found that the Networks still function the same way. The camera angles were simple, but important. My favorite scenes are whe he is on set and they create this make shift church. They promote him as a mad preacher who only gosspils the truth. I also like that the cameras show other cameras so that it seems more realistic. The sound played a big role in making it more dramatic. The music was great. I do see this movie being recreated. It would be cool to see Adam Sandler play the part of Howard Beale. I would recommend this movie to eveyone.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Film Review for Sin Nombre

What sacrifices are we willing to take in order to find our purpose here on earth? This is a question i asked myself after watching this movie. For almost two hours i sat at the edge of my seat wondering, what next? The emotions felt so real where I can actually feel thier pain. The movie takes place in a small town in Central America where an infamous street gang known as MS13 controls and governs the city. Tragedy hits when an alleged gang leader is killed not by a rival , but by his own brother. He does this after he discovers that the leader has taken away what he cherished most. He then finds himself on a train trying to escape what once was his family. Trying to wash away all the hate that filled his heart and the tattoos that represented his life as a gangster, he meets a young women. Thier journey begins when they both promise to watch over each other in trying to find refuge in America. The movie was simple, no special affects were needed. The scenes in the movie actually took place in rural gang infested neighborhoods in Central America. The two main actors did an outstanding job in bringing thier charecters to life. The director also decided to cast actual gang members to make the movie feel a little more realistic. This is not just an ordinary street gang, mind you. They are known for smuggling the terrorist that bombed the Twin Towers into the U.S. They are cold hearted murders taking inoccent lives over a name that originated in Los Angeles. The director was a genius in using a cast that originated from the slums of Central America. This made the movie that much more realistic. The scenes on the train played a major part in the movie. This was considered as thier magical carpet into the new world. The camera angles on the train made it seem as if you were aboard that magical carpet. The camera was so steady in thier various positions. A majority of the movie was filmed durring the day which the camera operators used natural lighting. There are some scenes where the weather seems to change. Mother nature really came through in helping the director show the beauty and  also the harsh terrain that Earth has to offer. We always watch movies that acquire famous actors that control the silver screen. We never give props to the underdogs of the film industry. I feel that foriegn films need a little more respect that was has been given. It didn't take millions to create this masterpiece. It took a man to show the world that you do not need allot of money to create an award winning movie. This movie Sin Nombre is a must see.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Favorite Movies

  One of my favorite all time movie is The Godfather triology. About a family that is willing to do whatever it takes in trying to control the NorthEastern part of the U.S in the early 1900's, through racketeering and money laundering. I also enjoy watching the movie Friday, about two African American men that spend the whole day FRIDAY, sitting on there front porch talking about a fast and easy way to get that money. These two guys go through a bunch of stuff in one day that changes the way they live there lives. Last movie Avetar, just because it looks ridiculous on Blue Ray. This movie is based on the story of Pocahontus but in far away planet. I like to enjoy movies at home. When you combine a Blue Ray DVD Player and a good suround sound and of course a nice flat screen, these three items make the movie experience allot more excitting. The picture is way better than the theatre and usually the DVDs provide more of the movie before the removel of some scenes and plus they give you allot of extras.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Where do I get my News

   I usually get my news through tv every morning before going to work. Durring the day I check the updates on my cell phone . I do see a difference between the news on tv and the news posted on my cell phone. The news on tv is brief but they can also show it live or they have some kind of video. The news posted on the cell phone are a little more detailed like reading a news paper but sometimes theres no video.I am constantly looking up the news either on tv or through my cell phone. I like to know whats going on around me and also over seas due to that I used to be in the military.

First Blog Assignment

  First thing I do when i get up is I hear my cell phone alarm go off then i check my e-mail. Then I turn the tv on to watch the news. I then get in my car and turn on the radio. I always past this electric bilboard that shows different advertisments. Once i get to work I use a computer to check in and out of work. Through the day I use my cell phone. On the way home I do the same thing radio, tv, computer, cell phone.